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Picture of Maia Torell Maia Torell |


Did you know that user experience is an important factor for success on a website?

As more companies establish their online presence, it becomes increasingly important to improve the user experience on your website to stand out from the crowd. A good user experience can help attract and retain customers, increase engagement, and ultimately drive conversions. Here are 5 simple steps to improve the user experience on your website:


#1 Clear Navigation

The first and most important step in improving the user experience on your website is to simplify the navigation. A complex and cluttered navigation can confuse visitors and cause them to abandon your site.

You can do this by reducing the number of menu options and organizing them logically. Make sure your website's primary navigation is visible and easily accessible from any page.


Exempel på en tydlig navigeringsmeny
Example of a clear navigation menu


#2 Optimize page speed

Your website's speed can do a lot for user experience. Studies  show that about 53% of visitors to a website leave if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. According to a study by Portent, the first 5 seconds are particularly important for conversion, to the point that a website's conversion rate drops by a whopping 4.42% for every extra second it takes to load.

Some things you can do to improve your page speed include compressing images and minimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files


#3 Prioritize Accessibility

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 16% of the world's population is estimated to have some form of disability. Making your website accessible can therefore not only contribute to a more inclusive societal and work environment, but also increase your potential audience and customer base.

Accessibility means designing your website to be usable by as many people as possible, including those with disabilities. To create a welcoming place for all your visitors, you can ensure that your website is compatible with screen readers, provide alternative text for images and other content that doesn't have headings, and use clear color contrast that makes text readable.


accessability example

high contrast
Example of HubSpot's user-friendly menu that provides the ability to change the page's color contrast



#4 Engaging content

Content is a crucial part of your website's user experience. It is what visitors come for and what keeps them engaged.

To improve the user experience on your website, ensure that your content is informative, engaging, and up-to-date. Use clear and concise language that is easy to read and understand. You can also add multimedia elements such as videos, images, and infographics to break up the text and make it more engaging.

En bild på olika alternativ för bilder, video och content

#5 Optimize for Mobile

Today, approximately 70% of internet users spend their time on a mobile phone, which means that it has become increasingly important to create a website with user-friendly design optimized for a mobile view.

Make sure your website is responsive, which means it can adapt to different screen sizes, and design your website with a 'mobile-first approach.' You can also use a mobile-friendly font size, compress images, and simplify navigation for mobile users.


Image of TeQflos mobile site



Do you want to make your website more user-friendly?

Contact us and we will help you!


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